rivive & Detoxify
Incessant food cravings, Constant tiredness fatigue, skin breakouts, Weight increase, Insomnia, Forgetfulness hazy thinking mood swings, digestive issues, constipation.
It helps by removing toxins, improving.
energy levels & digestion, aiding weight loss, boosting the immune system, clearer skin and promoting overall health. -
Lose 3 to 10 pounds, You will be using the restroom, Feeling more energy release of those toxins backed up inside your body.
You can detox once a month. Or every 2 weeks
Allulose, Ascorbic Acid, Citric Acid, L-Arginine, Maltodextrin, Malic Acid, Stevia, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin A Palmitate, Sodium Selenite, Dextrin ,(FIBER),Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D), Vitamin C.
There is 6 drinks in the supply. You will drink 1 of the single bottles a day for 6 days
First thing in the morning on a empty stomach.
Shake the bottle slightly to mix around before opening
Drink Detox within 5-10 mins
Then do the remaining drinks at that temperature
Take a Multi Vitamin with Detox drink.
If your metabolism seems to be reacting slower, you can drink another detox drink 5-8 hours after the first drink.
No alcohol on Detox
Drink a gallon of water or more throughout the day after drinking each detox drink this will help flush you out!
If you are new buyer:
Try a detox at room temp & cold (refrigerated). & see what temperature your body likes best!
3-10 lbs is what I have had from pervious feedback, but I can not predict how much you will loose in particular as every body is different!